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    Why Do So Many People Move to Los Angeles, CA?

    June 3, 2022

    The answer to this question may be obvious. Why wouldn’t someone want to move to L.A.? From the celebrities to the gorgeous beaches, it’s truly the place that everyone wants to be –  but what if we told you that there are many other plausible reasons why someone may be attracted to places like Santa Monica, Redondo Beach, or Marina Del Rey other than aspiring to be Hollywood’s next star? Find out all about the other reasons why people flock to the City of Angels, straight from our Los Angeles movers!


    The Sunny Weather

    Hate the snow? Many Americans who grew up in chilly climates may be disgusted at the mere sight of an icicle. In Los Angeles, this isn’t a problem. The bright and clear blue skies are bound to brighten even the worst of days. That reason alone is a valid reason to start searching “movers near me.”


    Cultural Diversity & Acceptance

    Those who do not feel well-represented in their hometowns may feel inclined to re-locate to Los Angeles. People from every culture around the world have found a community here, with around 224 languages spoken by its residents. More diversity means more delicious foods from every corner of the world to try for yourself!


    The Tech Scene

    Those who aspire to work for big tech companies such as Google, Apple, or Facebook move to Los Angeles to achieve this dream. They may also aspire to work in the video game industry, which is also huge in the City of Angels.


    The Service Sector

    Some people dream of working in hotels and hospitality. Los Angeles is one of the best cities in the world to thrive in this industry, welcoming tourists as well as professionals from all around the world.


    The Animation Industry

    Ever wanted to work on Disney or Dreamworks movies? Perhaps you want to become an animator for Cartoon Network or a Netflix exclusive show? If so, you cannot achieve this without coming to Los Angeles.



    The nightlife in L.A. is truly the place to be. There are all different kinds of nightclubs, from dance clubs to sports-themed to comedy clubs. With over 131 of them from all around the city to choose from, you’re bound to find your new favorite hangout over here.


    Social Media

    Not only are just about all major social media companies headquartered here, but many people who become famous on social media are hurrying to Google “moving companies near me” once they decide to move to Los Angeles in order to collaborate with other creators. They can also get their foot in the door in the traditional media industry this way, as well! 


    Are you ready for your big move?

    U.S. Major Moving Company is one of the premier Los Angeles movers in the area. We have provided outstanding service for over a decade, and we’re more than qualified to make your Los Angeles move your most successful to date! Go ahead and give us a call right now at (800) 737-0337 or send us an email at to get your moving quote. We’re looking forward to serving you!